Expanding onto markets has several key components the most important being the cost of the regular presence and the quality of that presence comprising of speaking the language, understanding the culture and having the versatile background to work out the product/service-to-market-fit.
We have all of these.
A fraction of the cost of having two local, well connected, excited and inspired senior representatives, plus a junior with a clipboard.
We will sit with you. We will listen to you. We will contribute. And together we will define a strategy, will agree upon ways to measure success and upon a continuous improvement process.
Then we will execute on the agreed strategy doing research, conducting meetings and
We will keep a Strategy Roadmap and regularly track the progress.
We will keep a diary of what we do and provide you with a feedback on a daily basis.
You will have a local representative, which can reach your customers more economically and on a shorter notice, than you needing to plan and conduct a business trip. And a lot more economically for regular meetings on feedback on quality and on plan and strategy.
Our network will become your network.
In addition to our personal network, Ivor Jüchtern is a member of the UK Institute of Directors and of France Digitale.
We are both former executives experienced in founding, leading on C-level and expanding into markets of more than one company each.
Once we get to know you, your company and your market—we will begin contributing creative ideas.